What Works Best For You
1:1 Coaching – bespoke coaching that gives you the ultimate in access to my time, knowledge, and skills. Sessions take place online via Zoom or in person if you live in delightful Derbyshire. You are guaranteed to gain a greater master self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-celebration. Equipping you with the tools you need to embody and empower your emotional wellbeing, We will design your optimal life, together. Click here to view the areas I specialise in.
Online Courses – where you can work through my video and text courses at your own pace. Courses are designed around some of the more common challenges we face so you are sure to find something that fits your need and gives you access to alignment. Click here to view the areas I specialise in.
Email Coaching – Specifically to support those who find visual coaching difficult, overwhelming, or inaccessible. This way we can still obliterate your life obstacles and design that move from survive to thrive – your way. Click here to view the areas I specialise in.
Weekly Podcast Episodes – packed with essential advice, information, and experience from trusted guests. You will be able to top up your emotional fitness simply by listening to ‘The Way Forward’ each week on a Wednesday. Click here to listen.
For Businesses, Education Providers, Groups and Clubs
As an Inclusion Specialist, with over a decade of experience, I also offer Businesses and Education Providers the opportunity to work with me to ensure that they create and curate an environment where each person is empowered to be present as their authentic self and optimise their emotional well-being.
If you want to know more about how you can work with Codesign Inclusion, please contact me and I will respond within 48 hours to begin the conversation to a more inclusive tomorrow for everyone who you connect with.